It is a stone Palermo can be read that the initial stages of the history of ancient Egyptian was as follows ..
I. .. Era of pre-flood of Noah ..
Secondly .. Covenants shipbuilding in Egypt .. And continued for about a thousand years .. It is the first stage after the flood ..
Thirdly .. Era of pre-dynastic Egyptian .. And continued for about two thousand years .. At this stage, the ancient Egyptians sought to settle in the fertile agricultural land along the northern Nile Valley and take advantage of the fertility of the land provided by the river with all its bounty to them .. Here I reveal a secret no one knows is that by the homes of Egyptian peasants in this era was about a boat, boats, barges, which made mastered by each according to his ability .. The rich lived sandals widening and put them all their belongings and tools livelihoods and even their pets too .. This was to protect them from attacks boats wild beasts and sea, which was deployed heavily at the time .. As they were protected from flooding river also winds .. If the river rose rose with floating homes .. If dropped down the river with those homes .. And do not forget that the Egyptians contemporaries lived also floats the river until the end of the nineteenth century ..
Fourthly .. Covenants builders of the pyramids .. According to the historian of the ancient Egyptian now known as Maniton .. Those covenants began about five thousand years BC and continued for about two thousand years .. The Egyptologists called the era of the Old Kingdom era and the beginning of the Egyptian royal dynasties .. But it is clear from reading the texts of ancient Egyptian to that stage saw the stability of the ancient Egyptian language stunningly illustrated texts which pyramids dense .. As also seen a revolution in the arts of tremendous engineering construction and architecture, as her body build the pyramid of Cheops miracle .. They also stage also saw the beginning of the recording stages of development ancient Egyptian religion and the emergence of codification names of some of the prophets and apostles in. .. It is what I call them Egyptologists "gods of ancient Egyptian" ..
V. .. Covenants stability agricultural, industrial and religious in Egypt .. Has continued those covenants about a thousand years .. The Egyptologists called the era of the Egyptian Kingdom medium .. In that era, Egypt witnessed a renaissance of agricultural, industrial and scientific enormous paved to become Egypt is one of the greatest human civilizations that Asrha rights in its history on the planet ..
VI .. Egyptian eras of openness and communication with other countries and civilizations and contemporary friction out and engage in conflicts and wars with them .. The continued that era about two thousand years .. The scientists called it the era of the modern Egyptian Kingdom .. And where Egypt was the strongest globally by all standards of civilization known .. And also where she was attending to Egypt and delegations from most countries in the world to receive the science and study ..
Seventh .. Covenants that Egypt had been a fierce successive invasions .. Has continued since that era around 1000 BC until the exit from Egypt English final in 1956 after the invasion of Egypt triple .. The most aggressive are those invasions Roman invasion, which began in 30 BC, which could change the demographic composition of Egypt .. And where was also officially announced that Egypt is a country Coptic Christian for the first time in its history, it was at the beginning of the fifth century AD .. In this period also witnessed the struggle Egypt is barbaric and bloody between adherents of different religions and beliefs .. And where also been wiped ancient Egyptian language and the destruction of all ancient Egyptian temples or seized .. At this stage was to invade Egypt also Mamluks Asians who seized the reins of power in Egypt and the leadership of the Egyptian army for centuries, during which they were able to control the customs and traditions of the Egyptian people that inherited from his ancestors thousands of years ago and then Nspoha for themselves after that .. To erase the effects of this crime was great civilizational them busy is to isolate the Egyptian people for scientists and heritage and the history of civilization and the former keep him in the darkness of ignorance and illiteracy blindness
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