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Egyptians has introduced the system of government and various authorities in place to manage the affairs of the country and raised the position of assistant minister for the pharaoh in the administration of the country next to the senior staff to help Minister in the management of public administrations and Egypt was known as well as the system of local administration influenced civilization of Ancient Egypt religion greatly affected has reached the ancient Egyptians to some religious ideas, which ranged from multiple gods to reach the idea of ​​the existence of one God and that advocated by Amenhotep IV Akhenaten, who occupied a prominent place to the idea of ​​philosophical The revolution religious Egyptians excelled in architecture and monuments memorable best proof of that, In the old state built terraces and pyramids which represent buildings funeral, and the first pyramid built in Egypt is the pyramid of Djoser and Pyramid Meidum, but the best known of all the pyramids of Giza three and a statue of the Sphinx, built in the era of the Fourth Dynasty and the number of pyramids built to be the abode of the Pharaohs 97 pyramid began to spread of funerary temples in the Middle Kingdom
And the kings of the family interested in the 12 region of Fayoum, where irrigation works, the most famous temples of the kings of this dynasty established Albrant temple or palace, as he called the labyrinth, which the Greeks built by King Amenemhat III at Hawara, who also built castles, forts and walls on the eastern borders of EgyptThe era of the modern state brighter period witnessed architecture where carved images on the walls and known arts and crafts minute on the walls of temples, huge and most important of Karnak and Luxor and Abu Simbel, was held Pharaonic obelisks in front of the entrances of temples. Carved from granite, are the temples of Amon at Karnak and Luxor and the Ramesseum and Hatshepsut Bahari and temples carved in the rock, such as Abu Simbel, Abu Simbel small examples of the most beautiful groves of ancient Egyptian Empire era emphasizes the effects of the ancient Egyptians proficiency in writing and literature and shows that while the effects left by the Egyptians
