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Old Kingdom 2980 BC 2475 BCDeveloped Egyptian civilization and crystallized the principles of the central government, and named King "Mina" titles King of the Two Lands and the owner of eutrofication was this unit is an important factor in the renaissance of Egypt in the various aspects of life, which reached the Egyptians to the hieroglyphics of any engraving the sacred, and interested in the Kings to secure the country's borders and has been active trade movement between Egypt and Sudan, and Egypt received .davy pm history in the name of the era known as the builders of pyramids, and saw this state built the first pyramid, the pyramid of Saqqara, with the development of agriculture, industry and commerce Egyptians used the first fleet riversMiddle Kingdom 2160 BC and 1580 BC
Interested in the kings of the Middle Kingdom, the projects most beneficial to the people, have interesting projects, irrigation, agriculture and trade, and dug a channel between the Nile and the Red Sea, and began to run the mines and quarries, as applied arts and architecture, but the end of the rule of this state has seen the invasion of the Hyksos and their occupation of Egypt around in 1657 BC, and continued to rule the the country about 150 years

New Kingdom 1580 BC to 1150 BCHaving been to the King Ahmose I eliminate the Hyksos and expelled outside the borders of Egypt's eastern returned security and stability throughout the country, and Egypt began a new era is the era of the modern state, and I realized Egypt military power remains important to protect the country was established with a strong army, the cradle to create a great empire stretched from the Euphrates River east to the fourth cataract of the Nile River on the south
Saw this age also ox Akhenaten religious, who called to worship one God and the symbol of a sun disk and established a new capital of the country he called Akhetaten, Egypt has come since the ruling family of 21 to 28 for the occupation of each of the Assyrians in 670 BC, then the Persians until the end the rule of Pharaohs with the families of 30 and the entry of Alexander the Great Egypt
